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A Haunting Tale Of Lost Love

Tennis - Borrowed Time From Rick and Morty Season 5

A Haunting Tale of Lost Love

From the depths of the Emmy-winning animated series Rick and Morty, comes a poignant ballad that captures the bittersweet essence of lost love and the fleeting nature of time.

Borrowed Time, performed by the indie-pop duo Tennis, is an achingly beautiful melody that pierces through the layers of the psyche, evoking a raw and profound sense of longing. With its haunting lyrics and ethereal orchestration, the song encapsulates the profound loss and heartache that lingers when love is cruelly snatched away.

The lyrics, penned by Tennis member Patrick Riley, are a heart-wrenching lament for a bygone era of love and bliss. Verse 1 opens with the narrator's belief in the eternal nature of their love, symbolized by the sun's unwavering brightness. However, as the song progresses, the realization of time's relentless passage dawns upon them, casting a long shadow over their once-bright hopes.

Borrowed Time transcends the boundaries of mere entertainment, becoming an anthem of universal human experience. It speaks to the fragility of love, the inevitability of heartbreak, and the poignant beauty that can be found in the aftermath of loss.
